Friday, September 23, 2011
A personal Healthy Chaser Challenge account from Sara D.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Dailey Method
Although currently, studios are limited to Arizona, California, Illinois, and Nevada, this combination of yoga, pilates, and ballet movements, is now available as a DVD, "No Excuses". The DVD features an intro from founder Jill Dailey and two classes touted to target the entire body and provide "amazing results."
I tried my first Dailey Method class while visiting a friend in Berkeley, California last fall and I was both obsessed and depressed...because I instantly fell in love with this workout and there aren't any studios on the East Coast, let alone near where I live in Connecticut!!!! You best believe that I have already ordered my DVD and am anxiously awaiting its arrival!!! Has anyone already tried one of these classes? Let us know what you think in the comments section!!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
She runs, she bakes, she's...Denise!! A Q&A with one of our Healthy Chasers!
We've mentioned in previous posts that we've wanted to do a guest blog or highlight another Healthy Chaser. Well, the wait is finally over! We have had the pleasure of doing a Q&A with Healthy Chaser, Denise!!! Many of you know her already, and if you don't, you're about to learn A LOT about her! I, myself, learned quite a bit not only about her but on her advice on exercising and staying healthy! One of the main things I love about this initiative is how much sharing and encouragement is going on all around. Denise's Q&A is an excellent example of that. so, without further ado, here she is...Denise!!
First I remember that if I eat it, I can’t sell it, so the business side of me keeps me in check.

D: I first got into running after my daughter was born. I had A LOT of baby weight to lose and I had to do a 3 mile run for an Air Force school I was attending. I couldn’t even run a mile, but in my mind I didn’t have a choice. So we bought a treadmill (because I didn’t want to have anyone witness me lumbering along) and I set my mind to it. I started just doing a mile. I told myself I was going to jog the whole thing, and not give a hoot what the time was. After a couple weeks, it was pretty easy, so I increased to a mile and half. I let my body dictate when it was time to speed up and increase distance. After a couple months, three miles wasn’t a big deal! Then I started doing 5k’s in my area (Destin/Pensacola) and met a GREAT group of people that I would run with.
As far as the half marathons go, I played volleyball in college, and one of my teammates thought it would be a neat way to do a reunion. We met up in Virginia Beach and ran. It was a ton of fun. That’s when I decided to try running one in every state so I could travel around, see friends and see new places. To date, I’ve run 14 half marathons, and 3 marathons. I had no intention of ever running a full marathon, but another one of my college teammates, who also has a son with Type 1 diabetes, talked me into running the US Marine Corps Marathon and raising money for Team Diabetes. It was going to be another Freimuth Family first, but then my husband signed up to run the Air Force Marathon a month before. Not to be out done – I signed up to run it with him. We finished together! We also ran my third marathon together (Marine Corps again); it was our 12th wedding anniversary.
Q: What type of training do you do pre-marathon and in between marathons?
D: Let me start with, I wish I trained better. I don’t have a lot of time to do the long distance runs, which is why my times have gotten worse lately. However, I follow the Hal Higdon training plans.
Q: If you're not doing any marathon-type training, what type of exercising do you like to do?
D: After my second tour in Iraq, I got a wild hair and decided I was going to do a triathlon. I went to the local YMCA, joined the tri club and …… got my butt kicked. Before that, my idea of swimming solely included a body weight bearing floatation device and a cocktail in my hand. Now I was learning to swim laps….with no floaties on my arms. I got really lucky with the tri club though. I met other moms, like me, that just wanted to do something new and get/stay in shape.
I promptly set my goals for my triathlons:
1. Don’t drown
2. Don’t fall off your bike
3. Don’t be last
The third one being the hardest! I had to explain to my husband, yes, they do write your age on your calf in permanent marker, and yes, the man that finished in front of my was twice my age, and NO, that doesn’t motivate me.
I really like triathlon training though. It’s cross training, it’s not easy, but it’s not the same thing day after day.
I still play some volleyball. Last year I went to Aspen during Labor Day and played in a grass volleyball tournament. Of course I can’t do that this year….um SNC anyone???? HOLLA!
I also hired a personal trainer so I could incorporate weights into my plan. He knows my goals, and has a tailored workout plan for what I want to accomplish.

D: I love the feeling when I’m done, because it’s a sense of accomplishment. This is probably the hardest thing for most people to revel in. We (me included) tend to compare ourselves to others and somehow play down what we’ve done. I’ve learned to be happy with myself on what I’ve done, and stop seeking other’s approval, and stop worrying how I stack up to others.
Q: Do you have any suggestions for trying to maintain a healthy diet while running a business?
D: 1. Calorie Counting! Know what you’re eating and know how much your body needs. Check out this link on good info:
2. EAT! Yes, you need to eat to be healthy. I always have healthy snacks around so I don’t eat junk, and I don’t binge.
3. I take a supplement called Juice Plus. Long story short, it’s all the fruits and veggies your body needs each day. It has really made a difference on how I feel and helped me maintain a healthy eating plan. If anyone is interested in learning more – let me know and check out this link.
Q: What type of suggestions/advice would you give to someone running a marathon/race for the first time?
D: 1. It all starts with one step. Then another. Then another. Don’t overwhelm yourself with the last step, start with the first step.
2. Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone has a different story and a different challenge. Take the time to be proud of what you are doing and what you’ve done. You earned it!
3. Make time. The one thing I figured out when I opened the bakery….everybody is busy. I don’t have any excuse…so I just have to do it. SO, I get up at 4 am to work out every morning.
4. Find a running group. Don’t be intimidated or worried you won’t stack up….you’d be surprised. I’ve made some great friends because I just showed up. I also learned a lot from those people. It’s honestly no different than joining twitter or facebook because you’re an SNC fan and reaching out to the other Chasers! These people will cheer you on and support you along the way!
I’ve got to see and do some amazing things because of running. I recently went to Hawaii…went surfing while I was there…and ran my 14th half marathon along Waikiki Beach! I ran the Army 10-miler in Baghdad, Iraq in 2003! I ran through the battle fields of Antietam. And I even met Rich Hoyt, who is my personal motivator. If you don’t check out any of the other links…..check this one. Any time I want to stop…I think of him.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
What the heck happened?
But I'm not here to complain and moan about my injury. So is the life of someone trying to stay healthy, lose weight, and train for a 7 Mile Run and Half Marathon. It just comes with the territory, and is not the reason I wanted to write a blog.

Since so many of us are signing up for the Tim Kerr 7 Mile/5K Run/Walk on September 4th, Elizabeth and I thought it would be a great idea to have a blog (or maybe several) dedicated to sharing of what I've been doing to start training in my running program. I wanted to take it a step further, and ask that anyone who has/will be running/walking in a race share what they've been doing. Basically, what I will do is have anyone who shares basically write a “guest blog” that we can post so we all can continue this great support. Also, everyone's training/workouts will be different, and I always find it encouraging to read what others are doing, for it could help me in my workouts.
Okay, so here I go...
Now, I should start off by saying that I've been running consistently since early November. I started off really slow, only going about 15 min on the elliptical 3 times a week. Then I slowly started building my time to 30 min and then moved onto the treadmill. I've been trying to keep to Mon-Wed-Fri 30 min runs and then on Sundays, go at least a full hour.
Now, on the training programs I've been researching for the half marathon I'm doing later this year, it says to run based on miles and not time. What I personally recommend to those who are still building their endurance, to start by going by time first, and then once you feel comfortable (I would say after a couple weeks), switch over to running based on length. That is what I'm now switching to. Also, a HUGE recommendation to all of those doing the race Sept. 4th, make sure you ALWAYS do a run/walk workout on Sunday and make sure it is always the day you run/walk the most. This is because this is your race day, so you want to get used to going a farther distance on this day.
I also make sure I do strength/core training in addition to my running. Lately, I've been slacking on this (thanks, knee) but I mix it up and try to do arm and leg workouts at least once a week, and then core/ab workouts at least twice a week. For my leg workouts, I do a lot of lunges and some leg presses. I highly recommend doing some type of leg workouts if you are doing any races. You need to make sure you can handle the distance, and your legs are going to be the part of your body that tells you whether you actually can do this or not.
Workout at night? In the morning? During lunch? I've heard/read lots of things giving their opinions on what time of day is best for your workouts (a lot tend to lean towards the morning, and this may be true) but for me personally, I would rather do my workouts after work. A lot of this has to do with that being practically the only time I have, but I've also done really early morning workouts before I head into work. I say, as long as you are able to get your workouts in, it doesn't really matter when this happens. The only time that I believe matters is my Sunday workouts, again, because this will be race day. I've been trying to go first thing Sunday morning since all races tend to be bright and early!
So, this is what I've been doing...or was doing before my slight snag. But thankfully, I have my brother who is giving me advice, stretching exercises, etc to help get my knee back to 100%. Plus, it's getting ever-so-close to summer! it really almost May already? I love it!!
Also...who's doing the race Labor Day Weekend? I know a few of you have signed up, but Elizabeth and I are starting to plan things for us for race day, and we want to know everyone who's doing the race, so make sure you let one of us know!
Again, please share your workouts/training programs! You can email the address or even comment below and we'll put up your guest blog!
Love you all!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Take Me Out To The Ballgame!
Freshly cut grass, cotton candy, hot dogs, freshly popped popcorn, peanuts. Some of my favorite scents of summer. To me, they always remind me of one thing: Baseball!
As a huge baseball fan myself, I've noticed that I'm not the only one who loves America's Favorite Pastime, so I've decided to do a special blog designated to Ballpark Food. Now, under the Healthy Chaser Challenge Diet, you may think that any time you take a trip to your favorite team's ballpark, that you have to have a “cheat day,” but I have actually done a bit of research and found that many MLB Teams now carry “Healthier Options” in their ballpark. I've decided to highlight those teams here and provide links to each of the 30 teams' sites so you can check out the options at your favorite team's ballpark!
Toronto Blue Jays – Where my Canadian Chasers at?! The lone MLB team still left in Canada knows what’s up. Healthy foods, that’s what. The Blue Jays have great Vegetarian and Vegan options including: Caesar & Greek Salads, Vegetable Pasta Bowl, Sushi Box, Vietnamese Wrap, Sweet Potato Fries, Asian Salad (vegan option), and an Asian Noodle Bowl (vegan option).
Philadelphia Phillies – Now, you all may think I'm biased writing about this team, but they really do have amazing Healthy options, including Gluten-Free foods! Citizens Bank Park has been voted “Best Ballpark Eats” by the Food Network in 2007, and the No. 1 Vegetarian Ballpark by PETA for the last four years in a row! This year, they've added even more healthier options including: Vegetarian Crab Free Crab Cake Sandwich, The Vedura Vegetarian Wrap, Vegan Hot Dog, Vegetarian Black Bean Burger, and even Frozen Yogurt! Yum! I know many of you may be headed to Atlantic City this summer to see a certain group, so if you have the opportunity, I HIGHLY recommend checking out a Phillies game at Citizens Bank Park! I swear, that’s the non-Phillies fan part of me saying that… Since I have a game coming up, I will definitely try one of these healthy options and report back on the deliciousness I’m sure I’ll have.
Colorado Rockies – Visiting the beautiful state of Colorado this summer? I know the first thing you think of when you hear Coors Field is a certain light beer, but it also has highlighted Healthy Options! Their Grilled Chicken Sandwiches can be found at a variety of stands throughout the ballpark. Also check out their Chef Cobb Salads, Chinese Chicken Salad, Garden Burger, Veggie Wraps, and their Panini and Wrap stands!
Washington Nationals – Not only is Nationals Ballpark a beautiful park with a fantastic view of our Nation's Capital, but they also have AMAZING food. I have had the privilege of eating there on numerous occasions. Seriously, if you are planning a trip to D.C., make sure you go when the Nationals are home. You won't be disappointed. Okay, so enough of my random support of an N.L. East rival team's ballpark. Nationals Park features a stand called Field of Greens that is home to grilled vegetable or turkey wraps, hummus, and salads. You can also get Grilled Chicken Sandwiches and Veggie Burgers at the Georgetown Grill.
Boston Red Sox – Ahhh, Fenway Park. The history! While I, myself, have yet to make it to a game at such a historic venue (one day...), I hear that they have excellent Healthy Food Options! They offer Turkey BLTs, Veggie Burger, a Veggie Dog, and other Healthy Options at a variety of concessions stands throughout the ballpark! *Writers Note: Elizabeth…I think I need to visit you so we can go to a game…just saying*
New York Yankees – I know we have a few Yankees fans out there, and for all of the Nathan's Famous and Johnny Rockets stands located throughout new Yankees Stadium, there is a designated stand specifically for Healthy Options, including Gluten-Free Fare. You can check out Melissa's Farmers Market vegetable and fruit salads, Famiglia gluten-free pizza, Hebrew National hot dogs and Premio sausages (served without buns).
New York Mets – I've heard that Citi Field is also one of those gorgeous new ballparks, but I have yet to go. Maybe this year. If I do get up to New York, I will definitely check out their World's Fare Market, which includes Light Food Option: salads, fruits, and more as well as Kozy Shack Gluten-Free Stand, which includes pudding, burgers, beer, and more! I'll also probably check out the Phillies beating the Mets while I'm there...but that's another blog. ;)
Detroit Tigers – Ya know, every time I think of Detroit now, I think of that Super Bowl commercial with Eminem and that car (sorry, I'm blanking on what it was for exactly...that and the fact that I'm not really into cars). But another great part of Detroit (so I've been told) is Comerica Park. I really need to go on one of those trips that people take where they go to all 30 MLB Ballparks in one season. That would be epic...but I digress. So, if you happen to be in Detroit and checking out the Los Tigres, stop by the FOX Sports Detroit Brushfire Grill for selections of Garden Burgers, Black Bean Burgers, Veggie Dogs, Chicken Sandwiches, Veggie Italian Sausage, Watermelon, and Corn on the Cob. Okay, pause for a second here...not only does that stand have the longest name ever for a concession, but really? FOX Sports? Okay, randomness over. Unpause.
Minnesota Twins – Before I get into the delicious offerings at Target Field, can I just talk about the fact that I kind of love how this new ballpark is named Target Field? While I'm not normally one to support ballparks/venues being named after a brand (Dunkin Donuts Center anyone?) I'm a big fan of Target and all it's awesomeness, so I'm kind of okay with this ballpark naming. I mean, who doesn't love Target? I guess only Target-haters. But I'm not friends with those people. You can get anything at it keeps us out of Wal-Mart, which is always a good thing. Also, the Twins have a special place in my heart because they were one of my oldest brother's favorite teams growing up. He even had one of those Twins jackets. I'm not sure why he liked them seeing as we lived in PA. Maybe he liked Kirby Puckett. I should really ask him about that. Oh hey, tangent, nice of you to drop by. What were we talking about? Oh yeah, that's!
So anywhos...Target Field (yay, Target!) has great vegetarian and gluten-free options including Veggie Dogs and Burgers, Veggie Burritos and Tacos (mmm...tacos...), Fruit Kabobs, Fruit Smoothies, Gluten-Free Nut snacks, Shrimps Skewers, and Talenti Gelato. Huh...I feel like I need to go eat at Target Field. They also apparently have something amazing called a Walk A Taco that isn't necessarily the healthiest choice, but sounds super delicious. Is it weird that I want to visit a ballpark specifically to try their food? Maybe I should become one of those food tasters, like on the Food Network or TLC or something! Yeah....I can't do that. I would be so fat. But, I'm sure, I would be completely full.
Milwaukee Brewers – Now, I didn’t find a lot of the “Healthy Options” at Miller Park, but I did find one option that I didn’t find anywhere else: the Soy Dogs. They also have Spicy Fish Tacos. Now, I haven’t eaten a lot of soy, but I can eat a fish taco any day. Just sayin.’ I just really love tacos. Period. So of course I had to highlight this option. I mean, who doesn’t love tacos? I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who doesn’t. You know what type of fish tacos are amazing? Mahi Mahi tacos. Delicious! Put a homemade salsa on that, some greens, and you’ve got yourself one healthy, delicious taco. Wait…we’re talking about ballpark foods aren’t we? Wow, I get so distracted when discussing food. Moving on!
So, these are the main teams I found with great Healthy Options. Going to a ballpark not listed above? Don’t worry. I’ve listed all 30 MLB teams below with links to their ballpark information. Now, who’s coming to a game with me??
Oakland A's Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
Houston Astros Toronto Blue Jays
Atlanta Braves Milwaukee Brewers
St. Louis Cardinals Chicago Cubs
Arizona Diamondbacks Los Angeles Dodgers
San Francisco Giants Cleveland Indians
Seattle Mariners Florida Marlins
New York Mets Washington Nationals
Baltimore Orioles San Diego Padres
Philadelphia Phillies Pittsburgh Pirates
Boston Red Sox Cincinnati Reds
Colorado Rockies Kansas City Royals
Detroit Tigers Minnesota Twins
Chicago White Sox New York Yankees
I <3 Baseball.
Labor Day Weekend 7 Mile Island Run & 5K!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
That's what friends are for...
To kind of piggy-back on Elizabeth's recent blog post, I wanted to share my own personal experiences recently. I think it's good to share all of these things with each other because we are all doing this TOGETHER. I was recently reminded of this fact when I noticed the support being thrown around in the community (mainly via Twitter/Facebook) to help keep each other motivated. Even though I will be the first to admit that I don't like asking for help, it's great knowing that we have such a strong community that will be there to help no matter what.
As a known chocoholic, I have been prone to serious stress-eating that revolves mainly around, you guessed it, chocolate. We all have our stresses and issues that we go through on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, and for me, the last two weeks were no different. With lots going on at work and such, the last two weeks saw me not exercising as regularly and indulging in more than my occasional piece of chocolate (a whole bag of peanut butter cups, to be in one sitting...but even over the course of several days, that's SO many calories). So, I've been down on myself for basically falling off the wagon and cheating on my diet (and also feeling like I'm cheating on my gym). But I became inspired last night when I noticed a whole bunch of support being thrown around helping another Chaser stay motivated.
Knowing that we have that support, not only from this community, but from our other friends and family members, is such a great feeling. We have to constantly remind ourselves that we're not doing this alone. We have so many great people around us to support us. And another good thing to remind ourselves us is to ask questions. Sometimes I need to clarify with Elizabeth (or Google) what may or may not be healthy or a good choice. Constantly asking questions or even giving suggestions is what this Challenge is all about. Having a healthy lifestyle is something I've been trying to pursue for the past year or so, and I've slowly gotten better. I've been able to cut out things that I used to eat constantly and incorporate different routines on a daily basis so I know that I stay on the right path.
Basically, what I wanted to say is that I love knowing that if I (or any of us) fall off the Healthy Chaser Challenge, there are so many of us to help pick us up and set us back on that wagon. I love all of you and wanted to personally thank Elizabeth for coming up with this idea and allowing me to help and add my two-cents (as quirky and random as they are). As Seggie has mentioned on numerous occasions, summer is just a few months away, and I know that together, we can all continue on to our goals and be summer-ready in no time! :)
Love you all!!