Freshly cut grass, cotton candy, hot dogs, freshly popped popcorn, peanuts. Some of my favorite scents of summer. To me, they always remind me of one thing: Baseball!
As a huge baseball fan myself, I've noticed that I'm not the only one who loves America's Favorite Pastime, so I've decided to do a special blog designated to Ballpark Food. Now, under the Healthy Chaser Challenge Diet, you may think that any time you take a trip to your favorite team's ballpark, that you have to have a “cheat day,” but I have actually done a bit of research and found that many MLB Teams now carry “Healthier Options” in their ballpark. I've decided to highlight those teams here and provide links to each of the 30 teams' sites so you can check out the options at your favorite team's ballpark!
Toronto Blue Jays – Where my Canadian Chasers at?! The lone MLB team still left in Canada knows what’s up. Healthy foods, that’s what. The Blue Jays have great Vegetarian and Vegan options including: Caesar & Greek Salads, Vegetable Pasta Bowl, Sushi Box, Vietnamese Wrap, Sweet Potato Fries, Asian Salad (vegan option), and an Asian Noodle Bowl (vegan option).
Philadelphia Phillies – Now, you all may think I'm biased writing about this team, but they really do have amazing Healthy options, including Gluten-Free foods! Citizens Bank Park has been voted “Best Ballpark Eats” by the Food Network in 2007, and the No. 1 Vegetarian Ballpark by PETA for the last four years in a row! This year, they've added even more healthier options including: Vegetarian Crab Free Crab Cake Sandwich, The Vedura Vegetarian Wrap, Vegan Hot Dog, Vegetarian Black Bean Burger, and even Frozen Yogurt! Yum! I know many of you may be headed to Atlantic City this summer to see a certain group, so if you have the opportunity, I HIGHLY recommend checking out a Phillies game at Citizens Bank Park! I swear, that’s the non-Phillies fan part of me saying that… Since I have a game coming up, I will definitely try one of these healthy options and report back on the deliciousness I’m sure I’ll have.
Colorado Rockies – Visiting the beautiful state of Colorado this summer? I know the first thing you think of when you hear Coors Field is a certain light beer, but it also has highlighted Healthy Options! Their Grilled Chicken Sandwiches can be found at a variety of stands throughout the ballpark. Also check out their Chef Cobb Salads, Chinese Chicken Salad, Garden Burger, Veggie Wraps, and their Panini and Wrap stands!
Washington Nationals – Not only is Nationals Ballpark a beautiful park with a fantastic view of our Nation's Capital, but they also have AMAZING food. I have had the privilege of eating there on numerous occasions. Seriously, if you are planning a trip to D.C., make sure you go when the Nationals are home. You won't be disappointed. Okay, so enough of my random support of an N.L. East rival team's ballpark. Nationals Park features a stand called Field of Greens that is home to grilled vegetable or turkey wraps, hummus, and salads. You can also get Grilled Chicken Sandwiches and Veggie Burgers at the Georgetown Grill.
Boston Red Sox – Ahhh, Fenway Park. The history! While I, myself, have yet to make it to a game at such a historic venue (one day...), I hear that they have excellent Healthy Food Options! They offer Turkey BLTs, Veggie Burger, a Veggie Dog, and other Healthy Options at a variety of concessions stands throughout the ballpark! *Writers Note: Elizabeth…I think I need to visit you so we can go to a game…just saying*
New York Yankees – I know we have a few Yankees fans out there, and for all of the Nathan's Famous and Johnny Rockets stands located throughout new Yankees Stadium, there is a designated stand specifically for Healthy Options, including Gluten-Free Fare. You can check out Melissa's Farmers Market vegetable and fruit salads, Famiglia gluten-free pizza, Hebrew National hot dogs and Premio sausages (served without buns).
New York Mets – I've heard that Citi Field is also one of those gorgeous new ballparks, but I have yet to go. Maybe this year. If I do get up to New York, I will definitely check out their World's Fare Market, which includes Light Food Option: salads, fruits, and more as well as Kozy Shack Gluten-Free Stand, which includes pudding, burgers, beer, and more! I'll also probably check out the Phillies beating the Mets while I'm there...but that's another blog. ;)
Detroit Tigers – Ya know, every time I think of Detroit now, I think of that Super Bowl commercial with Eminem and that car (sorry, I'm blanking on what it was for exactly...that and the fact that I'm not really into cars). But another great part of Detroit (so I've been told) is Comerica Park. I really need to go on one of those trips that people take where they go to all 30 MLB Ballparks in one season. That would be epic...but I digress. So, if you happen to be in Detroit and checking out the Los Tigres, stop by the FOX Sports Detroit Brushfire Grill for selections of Garden Burgers, Black Bean Burgers, Veggie Dogs, Chicken Sandwiches, Veggie Italian Sausage, Watermelon, and Corn on the Cob. Okay, pause for a second here...not only does that stand have the longest name ever for a concession, but really? FOX Sports? Okay, randomness over. Unpause.
Minnesota Twins – Before I get into the delicious offerings at Target Field, can I just talk about the fact that I kind of love how this new ballpark is named Target Field? While I'm not normally one to support ballparks/venues being named after a brand (Dunkin Donuts Center anyone?) I'm a big fan of Target and all it's awesomeness, so I'm kind of okay with this ballpark naming. I mean, who doesn't love Target? I guess only Target-haters. But I'm not friends with those people. You can get anything at Target...plus it keeps us out of Wal-Mart, which is always a good thing. Also, the Twins have a special place in my heart because they were one of my oldest brother's favorite teams growing up. He even had one of those Twins jackets. I'm not sure why he liked them seeing as we lived in PA. Maybe he liked Kirby Puckett. I should really ask him about that. Oh hey, tangent, nice of you to drop by. What were we talking about? Oh yeah, that's right...food!
So anywhos...Target Field (yay, Target!) has great vegetarian and gluten-free options including Veggie Dogs and Burgers, Veggie Burritos and Tacos (mmm...tacos...), Fruit Kabobs, Fruit Smoothies, Gluten-Free Nut snacks, Shrimps Skewers, and Talenti Gelato. Huh...I feel like I need to go eat at Target Field. They also apparently have something amazing called a Walk A Taco that isn't necessarily the healthiest choice, but sounds super delicious. Is it weird that I want to visit a ballpark specifically to try their food? Maybe I should become one of those food tasters, like on the Food Network or TLC or something! Yeah....I can't do that. I would be so fat. But, I'm sure, I would be completely full.
Milwaukee Brewers – Now, I didn’t find a lot of the “Healthy Options” at Miller Park, but I did find one option that I didn’t find anywhere else: the Soy Dogs. They also have Spicy Fish Tacos. Now, I haven’t eaten a lot of soy, but I can eat a fish taco any day. Just sayin.’ I just really love tacos. Period. So of course I had to highlight this option. I mean, who doesn’t love tacos? I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who doesn’t. You know what type of fish tacos are amazing? Mahi Mahi tacos. Delicious! Put a homemade salsa on that, some greens, and you’ve got yourself one healthy, delicious taco. Wait…we’re talking about ballpark foods aren’t we? Wow, I get so distracted when discussing food. Moving on!
So, these are the main teams I found with great Healthy Options. Going to a ballpark not listed above? Don’t worry. I’ve listed all 30 MLB teams below with links to their ballpark information. Now, who’s coming to a game with me??
Oakland A's Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
Houston Astros Toronto Blue Jays
Atlanta Braves Milwaukee Brewers
St. Louis Cardinals Chicago Cubs
Arizona Diamondbacks Los Angeles Dodgers
San Francisco Giants Cleveland Indians
Seattle Mariners Florida Marlins
New York Mets Washington Nationals
Baltimore Orioles San Diego Padres
Philadelphia Phillies Pittsburgh Pirates
Texas Rangers Tampa Bay Rays
Boston Red Sox Cincinnati Reds
Colorado Rockies Kansas City Royals
Detroit Tigers Minnesota Twins
Chicago White Sox New York Yankees
I <3 Baseball.