Friday, September 23, 2011

A personal Healthy Chaser Challenge account from Sara D.

I started the Healthy Chasers Challenge not really sure how or what I was going to do, but it sounded like fun. Even though I doubted I would make it to the actual “LDW Chaser Con” at Harrah’s, I knew I would still enjoy working on the challenge with the Chaser community. I had a strong start with the eating plan from Elizabeth, and two weeks later along with everyone else, I refocused my efforts on getting my walking workouts going on a regular basis.

I've never been a runner. I like to “power walk” with hand weights and speed intervals, and I also enjoy kickboxing, but running has never really been my cup of tea. At the start of the HCC, I discovered that Jillian and Denise both enjoyed running and that Denise is working on a goal of completing a half-marathon race in all 50 states. One day she mentioned a December half-marathon race in Las Vegas and I told her how impossible that sounded to me. So I decided to start training for it – because I thought it was impossible. I would have 8 months to train and go from “non-runner” to “half-marathoner.” With that goal in mind and a wonderful support system from the HCC participants, I found a great book at the library on running and also began looking for some shorter practice races in my area.
Over the next few months, I participated in four 5k races. Three of the races raised money for different programs in my community, which I thought of as a bonus. My most successful race was for the local no-kill animal shelter.  I came in 4th place for amount raised through sponsorships, and 3rd place in my age group in the race itself. I received an adorable medal, a race day shirt, a shelter logo shirt and cap, and I raced for free. 

In my least successful race, when they yelled “Go!” everyone else took off so fast that I was left standing at the starting line by myself. I composed myself and started off on a much slower walk/jog. Later, the other racers cheerfully waved as they passed me on their way back to the finish line while I was still headed towards the halfway point. I asked the water guy waiting there to call ahead and tell them not to wait for me, but I did make sure to finish the race. When I got there at least 30 minutes behind all of the other racers (who had already gone home) (not an exaggeration), the race coordinator handed me a trophy. He said he was glad that I had kept going, and I assume he was also impressed that I didn't die along the way...  He briefly outlined a training plan and said that he hoped I would continue and come back to a future race.
Partway through the summer I was given a pair of real running shoes from someone who accidentally bought hers too small. I took this as a blessing and an encouraging sign to keep training.  SNC and SNC FanChats provided a majority of the soundtrack during my training as well as the races. I looked forward to the uninterrupted listening time and time to relax and hear myself think. I cross-trained by riding my bike the seven miles to work or to home while getting a ride the opposite way, as needed. A couple of times I even walked home - the first time was just to see if I could! I made it, but I ended up with a couple of fairly nasty blisters. I was proud of myself for trying, though.
The food part of the HCC was admittedly harder for me and it probably always will be. I really liked the three daily fruit snacks and I kept up with it for a while, but it was hard making sure I had enough fruit from payday to payday that wouldn’t spoil, and also sometimes what I wanted was too expensive or just didn’t look good at the store.  One thing that I made it a point to find was a healthier alternative to my morning “coffee with tons of sugar and creamer.” After some experimenting, I found that honey and agave nectar are both absolutely delicious coffee sweeteners, and almond or hazelnut milk makes excellent creamer. Lastly, with exercising more I wanted to drink more water and little-to-no soda, so I taste-tested carbonated waters until I found some I really liked (Arrowhead Sparkling Water, various flavors).  On days when I remembered to bring a bottle with me to work, I didn’t drink soda with lunch and I didn’t miss it.
Now, at the end of the challenge, I've decided that I'm really not a runner. Also, while that Las Vegas race still sounds amazing and I’m disappointed to miss it, I'm just not ready to try that yet. I do still enjoy walking and the 5k races were fun! I would like to do more of them as a walker and the race community is becoming more walker-friendly all the time. It was fun chatting with the same people from race to race and there were usually a few dogs, too. I always felt good as long as I finished ahead of the dachshunds!  The HCC has reinforced to me how great it feels to prepare for something and keep going a little bit at a time until I finish it.  I’m trying to take that lesson and use it in my writing pursuits.  Novel writing, for example, is often compared to marathon training because of the many writing sessions needed over a long time to complete a book.     
Thank you to Elizabeth and Jillian for putting the HCC together. The support system was instrumental in getting me through those beginning workouts and each of the races. All I had to do was tweet that I was about to start and there was always someone there to cheer me on. I was surprised by the doubts and even fears that showed up when I decided to try running; thank you Jillian and Denise for answering my questions and giving me reassurance when I needed it. And thank you, Chasers, for the encouragement and Twitter cheers. I fully intend to keep on going, and maybe I’ll be ready to walk a half-marathon next year! Fall HCC, anyone? :o)

 Some of the SWAG I earned from the races and proof (to myself) that I showed up! Woo hoo!
~Sara D.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Dailey Method

As anyone who is a "Dancing with the Stars" fan has noticed, dance provides a full-body workout, kicking your metabolism into over-drive and toning up even those tough to tone places. Summer is just around the corner, in fact, (fingers crossed) with the arrival of the sunshine and 80 degree weather today, it might already be here. In order to enjoy all of those summer cook-outs, graduation parties, and weddings without any worry about our waistlines, we would like to introduce another option for your daily workout: The Dailey Method.

Although currently, studios are limited to Arizona, California, Illinois, and Nevada, this combination of yoga, pilates, and ballet movements, is now available as a DVD, "No Excuses". The DVD features an intro from founder Jill Dailey and two classes touted to target the entire body and provide "amazing results."

I tried my first Dailey Method class while visiting a friend in Berkeley, California last fall and I was both obsessed and depressed...because I instantly fell in love with this workout and there aren't any studios on the East Coast, let alone near where I live in Connecticut!!!! You best believe that I have already ordered my DVD and am anxiously awaiting its arrival!!! Has anyone already tried one of these classes? Let us know what you think in the comments section!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

She runs, she bakes, she's...Denise!! A Q&A with one of our Healthy Chasers!

First, I wanted to send out an apology for our slacking on the Healthy Chaser Challenge Blog and Twitter. It seems that with Spring comes an overload of work/activities that just keeps us constantly busy! Elizabeth and I definitely want to stress that we are in no way having Healthy Chasers take a backseat. For, what also comes with Spring is the BEAUTIFUL weather that seems more motivation to get healthy! least for me...I love Spring. As soon as those birds start chirping, I have this itch to just be outside ALL DAY.

But enough about my love for Spring...

We've mentioned in previous posts that we've wanted to do a guest blog or highlight another Healthy Chaser. Well, the wait is finally over! We have had the pleasure of doing a Q&A with Healthy Chaser, Denise!!! Many of you know her already, and if you don't, you're about to learn A LOT about her! I, myself, learned quite a bit not only about her but on her advice on exercising and staying healthy! One of the main things I love about this initiative is how much sharing and encouragement is going on all around. Denise's Q&A is an excellent example of that. so, without further ado, here she is...Denise!!

So, for those of you who don't know her, Denise is a member of the US Air Force, owns Troy Bakery, LLC in Troy, Illinois, and (naturally) a huge fan of Straight No Chaser. Even though she works around sweets all day, Denise finds the time and motivation to keep to a healthly lifestyle and we wanted to share that with you!

Q: How long have you been working at your bakery?

D: I opened the bakery doors on the 2nd of January 2010. I spent 10 years active duty Air Force working as a Communications Officer. I took some time off to work with another government entity, then came back to the Reserves where I worked Full-time for a couple years. I decided to go part time and try something new…and when I asked my kids what they wanted me to do, they told me to open a bakery.
*photo courtesy of Troy Bakery, LLC

Q: As someone who is constantly busy at their business, and surrounded by delicious desserts, how do you keep to a healthy diet? What type of diet/healthy eating habits do you keep? Also, how do you find the time to eat appropriately?

D: When I first opened the bakery, I actually lost weight! My days start at 4 am and if I’m lucky I leave the bakery at 5 pm. That’s 13 hours up and on my feet working. When you have an active day, it makes a huge difference. Being around all the items I bake is hard too.

First I remember that if I eat it, I can’t sell it, so the business side of me keeps me in check.

Also, since I do make the items, I know what’s in them….good and bad. I think a lot of the time our diets are impacted by not knowing what we are eating. I can tell you the approximate carbohydrate count and calorie count of everything in my store. I had to learn this because my son, Ryan, has Type 1 diabetes. He can eat whatever he wants, he just has to take insulin based on the amount of carbohydrates in what he eats. The calorie counting is something I started doing on a whim. I keep track of everything I eat and drink……so when I want to eat a chocolate chip cookie…..I have to document the 78 calories in my tracker. Once you have to write down a couple hundred calories of something not so healthy….you tend to stop eating it. To stay on track, I keep fruits, veggies and healthy snacks in the bakery. I sip on water, and eat every couple hours so I don’t have the urge to binge.
*Photo courtesy of Troy Bakery, LLC

Q: You've ran in numerous marathons. How long have you been doing these? How did you get into running marathons?

D: I first got into running after my daughter was born. I had A LOT of baby weight to lose and I had to do a 3 mile run for an Air Force school I was attending. I couldn’t even run a mile, but in my mind I didn’t have a choice. So we bought a treadmill (because I didn’t want to have anyone witness me lumbering along) and I set my mind to it. I started just doing a mile. I told myself I was going to jog the whole thing, and not give a hoot what the time was. After a couple weeks, it was pretty easy, so I increased to a mile and half. I let my body dictate when it was time to speed up and increase distance. After a couple months, three miles wasn’t a big deal! Then I started doing 5k’s in my area (Destin/Pensacola) and met a GREAT group of people that I would run with.

As far as the half marathons go, I played volleyball in college, and one of my teammates thought it would be a neat way to do a reunion. We met up in Virginia Beach and ran. It was a ton of fun. That’s when I decided to try running one in every state so I could travel around, see friends and see new places. To date, I’ve run 14 half marathons, and 3 marathons. I had no intention of ever running a full marathon, but another one of my college teammates, who also has a son with Type 1 diabetes, talked me into running the US Marine Corps Marathon and raising money for Team Diabetes. It was going to be another Freimuth Family first, but then my husband signed up to run the Air Force Marathon a month before. Not to be out done – I signed up to run it with him. We finished together! We also ran my
third marathon together (Marine Corps again); it was our 12th wedding anniversary.

Q: What type of training do you do pre-marathon and in between marathons?

D: Let me start with, I wish I trained better. I don’t have a lot of time to do the long distance runs, which is why my times have gotten worse lately. However, I follow the Hal Higdon training plans.

Q: If you're not doing any marathon-type training, what type of exercising do you like to do?

D: After my second tour in Iraq, I got a wild hair and decided I was going to do a triathlon. I went to the local YMCA, joined the tri club and …… got my butt kicked. Before that, my idea of swimming solely included a body weight bearing floatation device and a cocktail in my hand. Now I was learning to swim laps….with no floaties on my arms. I got really lucky with the tri club though. I met other moms, like me, that just wanted to do something new and get/stay in shape.

I promptly set my goals for my triathlons:

1. Don’t drown
2. Don’t fall off your bike
3. Don’t be last

The third one being the hardest! I had to explain to my husband, yes, they do write your age on your calf in permanent marker, and yes, the man that finished in front of my was twice my age, and NO, that doesn’t motivate me.

I really like triathlon training though. It’s cross training, it’s not easy, but it’s not the same thing day after day.

I still play some volleyball. Last year I went to Aspen during Labor Day and played in a grass volleyball tournament. Of course I can’t do that this year….um SNC anyone???? HOLLA!

I also hired a personal trainer so I could incorporate weights into my plan. He knows my goals, and has a tailored workout plan for what I want to accomplish.

Q: What's your favorite part of exercising or perhaps your favorite exercise?

D: I love the feeling when I’m done, because it’s a sense of accomplishment. This is probably the hardest thing for most people to revel in. We (me included) tend to compare ourselves to others and somehow play down what we’ve done. I’ve learned to be happy with myself on what I’ve done, and stop seeking other’s approval, and stop worrying how I stack up to others.

Q: Do you have any suggestions for trying to maintain a healthy diet while running a business?

D: 1. Calorie Counting! Know what you’re eating and know how much your body needs. Check out this link on good info:

2. EAT! Yes, you need to eat to be healthy. I always have healthy snacks around so I don’t eat junk, and I don’t binge.

3. I take a supplement called Juice Plus. Long story short, it’s all the fruits and veggies your body needs each day. It has really made a difference on how I feel and helped me maintain a healthy eating plan. If anyone is interested in learning more – let me know and check out this link.

Q: What type of suggestions/advice would you give to someone running a marathon/race for the first time?

D: 1. It all starts with one step. Then another. Then another. Don’t overwhelm yourself with the last step, start with the first step.

2. Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone has a different story and a different challenge. Take the time to be proud of what you are doing and what you’ve done. You earned it!

3. Make time. The one thing I figured out when I opened the bakery….everybody is busy. I don’t have any excuse…so I just have to do it. SO, I get up at 4 am to work out every morning.

4. Find a running group. Don’t be intimidated or worried you won’t stack up….you’d be surprised. I’ve made some great friends because I just showed up. I also learned a lot from those people. It’s honestly no different than joining twitter or facebook because you’re an SNC fan and reaching out to the other Chasers! These people will cheer you on and support you along the way!

I’ve got to see and do some amazing things because of running. I recently went to Hawaii…went surfing while I was there…and ran my 14th half marathon along Waikiki Beach! I ran the Army 10-miler in Baghdad, Iraq in 2003! I ran through the battle fields of Antietam. And I even met Rich Hoyt, who is my personal motivator. If you don’t check out any of the other links…..check this one. Any time I want to stop…I think of him.

We want to personally thank Denise for such an amazing insight to her personal motivation and advice and I know I personally hope to someday reach the level of healthy success that she has reached!

Go Healthy Chasers!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

What the heck happened?

Okay, so the title of this blog may be a bit misleading, but I honestly have been asking myself that the past week or so. I was doing so well, running 3-4 times a week plus my core workouts. Following the meal plan (for the most part) and losing weight. Then I hit a wall called my knee. Oh hooray for the strain that running put on my poor knee! I haven't officially had a diagnos is yet, but I'm pretty sure I have Runner's Knee aka one-of-the-most-annoying-injuries-ever.

But I'm not here to complain and moan about my injury. So is the life of someone trying to stay healthy, lose weight, and train for a 7 Mile Run and Half Marathon. It just comes with the territory, and is not the reason I wanted to write a blog.

Since so many of us are signing up for the Tim Kerr 7 Mile/5K Run/Walk on September 4th, Elizabeth and I thought it would be a great idea to have a blog (or maybe several) dedicated to sharing of what I've been doing to start training in my running program. I wanted to take it a step further, and ask that anyone who has/will be running/walking in a race share what they've been doing. Basically, what I will do is have anyone who shares basically write a “guest blog” that we can post so we all can continue this great support. Also, everyone's training/workouts will be different, and I always find it encouraging to read what others are doing, for it could help me in my workouts.

Okay, so here I go...

Now, I should start off by saying that I've been running consistently since early November. I started off really slow, only going about 15 min on the elliptical 3 times a week. Then I slowly started building my time to 30 min and then moved onto the treadmill. I've been trying to keep to Mon-Wed-Fri 30 min runs and then on Sundays, go at least a full hour.

Now, on the training programs I've been researching for the half marathon I'm doing later this year, it says to run based on miles and not time. What I personally recommend to those who are still building their endurance, to start by going by time first, and then once you feel comfortable (I would say after a couple weeks), switch over to running based on length. That is what I'm now switching to. Also, a HUGE recommendation to all of those doing the race Sept. 4th, make sure you ALWAYS do a run/walk workout on Sunday and make sure it is always the day you run/walk the most. This is because this is your race day, so you want to get used to going a farther distance on this day.

I also make sure I do strength/core training in addition to my running. Lately, I've been slacking on this (thanks, knee) but I mix it up and try to do arm and leg workouts at least once a week, and then core/ab workouts at least twice a week. For my leg workouts, I do a lot of lunges and some leg presses. I highly recommend doing some type of leg workouts if you are doing any races. You need to make sure you can handle the distance, and your legs are going to be the part of your body that tells you whether you actually can do this or not.

Workout at night? In the morning? During lunch? I've heard/read lots of things giving their opinions on what time of day is best for your workouts (a lot tend to lean towards the morning, and this may be true) but for me personally, I would rather do my workouts after work. A lot of this has to do with that being practically the only time I have, but I've also done really early morning workouts before I head into work. I say, as long as you are able to get your workouts in, it doesn't really matter when this happens. The only time that I believe matters is my Sunday workouts, again, because this will be race day. I've been trying to go first thing Sunday morning since all races tend to be bright and early!

So, this is what I've been doing...or was doing before my slight snag. But thankfully, I have my brother who is giving me advice, stretching exercises, etc to help get my knee back to 100%. Plus, it's getting ever-so-close to summer! it really almost May already? I love it!!

Also...who's doing the race Labor Day Weekend? I know a few of you have signed up, but Elizabeth and I are starting to plan things for us for race day, and we want to know everyone who's doing the race, so make sure you let one of us know!

Again, please share your workouts/training programs! You can email the address or even comment below and we'll put up your guest blog!

Love you all!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Take Me Out To The Ballgame!

Freshly cut grass, cotton candy, hot dogs, freshly popped popcorn, peanuts. Some of my favorite scents of summer. To me, they always remind me of one thing: Baseball!

As a huge baseball fan myself, I've noticed that I'm not the only one who loves America's Favorite Pastime, so I've decided to do a special blog designated to Ballpark Food. Now, under the Healthy Chaser Challenge Diet, you may think that any time you take a trip to your favorite team's ballpark, that you have to have a “cheat day,” but I have actually done a bit of research and found that many MLB Teams now carry “Healthier Options” in their ballpark. I've decided to highlight those teams here and provide links to each of the 30 teams' sites so you can check out the options at your favorite team's ballpark!

Toronto Blue Jays – Where my Canadian Chasers at?! The lone MLB team still left in Canada knows what’s up. Healthy foods, that’s what. The Blue Jays have great Vegetarian and Vegan options including: Caesar & Greek Salads, Vegetable Pasta Bowl, Sushi Box, Vietnamese Wrap, Sweet Potato Fries, Asian Salad (vegan option), and an Asian Noodle Bowl (vegan option).

Philadelphia Phillies – Now, you all may think I'm biased writing about this team, but they really do have amazing Healthy options, including Gluten-Free foods! Citizens Bank Park has been voted “Best Ballpark Eats” by the Food Network in 2007, and the No. 1 Vegetarian Ballpark by PETA for the last four years in a row! This year, they've added even more healthier options including: Vegetarian Crab Free Crab Cake Sandwich, The Vedura Vegetarian Wrap, Vegan Hot Dog, Vegetarian Black Bean Burger, and even Frozen Yogurt! Yum! I know many of you may be headed to Atlantic City this summer to see a certain group, so if you have the opportunity, I HIGHLY recommend checking out a Phillies game at Citizens Bank Park! I swear, that’s the non-Phillies fan part of me saying that… Since I have a game coming up, I will definitely try one of these healthy options and report back on the deliciousness I’m sure I’ll have.

Colorado Rockies – Visiting the beautiful state of Colorado this summer? I know the first thing you think of when you hear Coors Field is a certain light beer, but it also has highlighted Healthy Options! Their Grilled Chicken Sandwiches can be found at a variety of stands throughout the ballpark. Also check out their Chef Cobb Salads, Chinese Chicken Salad, Garden Burger, Veggie Wraps, and their Panini and Wrap stands!

Washington Nationals – Not only is Nationals Ballpark a beautiful park with a fantastic view of our Nation's Capital, but they also have AMAZING food. I have had the privilege of eating there on numerous occasions. Seriously, if you are planning a trip to D.C., make sure you go when the Nationals are home. You won't be disappointed. Okay, so enough of my random support of an N.L. East rival team's ballpark. Nationals Park features a stand called Field of Greens that is home to grilled vegetable or turkey wraps, hummus, and salads. You can also get Grilled Chicken Sandwiches and Veggie Burgers at the Georgetown Grill.

Boston Red SoxAhhh, Fenway Park. The history! While I, myself, have yet to make it to a game at such a historic venue (one day...), I hear that they have excellent Healthy Food Options! They offer Turkey BLTs, Veggie Burger, a Veggie Dog, and other Healthy Options at a variety of concessions stands throughout the ballpark! *Writers Note: Elizabeth…I think I need to visit you so we can go to a game…just saying*

New York Yankees – I know we have a few Yankees fans out there, and for all of the Nathan's Famous and Johnny Rockets stands located throughout new Yankees Stadium, there is a designated stand specifically for Healthy Options, including Gluten-Free Fare. You can check out Melissa's Farmers Market vegetable and fruit salads, Famiglia gluten-free pizza, Hebrew National hot dogs and Premio sausages (served without buns).

New York Mets – I've heard that Citi Field is also one of those gorgeous new ballparks, but I have yet to go. Maybe this year. If I do get up to New York, I will definitely check out their World's Fare Market, which includes Light Food Option: salads, fruits, and more as well as Kozy Shack Gluten-Free Stand, which includes pudding, burgers, beer, and more! I'll also probably check out the Phillies beating the Mets while I'm there...but that's another blog. ;)

Detroit Tigers – Ya know, every time I think of Detroit now, I think of that Super Bowl commercial with Eminem and that car (sorry, I'm blanking on what it was for exactly...that and the fact that I'm not really into cars). But another great part of Detroit (so I've been told) is Comerica Park. I really need to go on one of those trips that people take where they go to all 30 MLB Ballparks in one season. That would be epic...but I digress. So, if you happen to be in Detroit and checking out the Los Tigres, stop by the FOX Sports Detroit Brushfire Grill for selections of Garden Burgers, Black Bean Burgers, Veggie Dogs, Chicken Sandwiches, Veggie Italian Sausage, Watermelon, and Corn on the Cob. Okay, pause for a second here...not only does that stand have the longest name ever for a concession, but really? FOX Sports? Okay, randomness over. Unpause.

Minnesota Twins – Before I get into the delicious offerings at Target Field, can I just talk about the fact that I kind of love how this new ballpark is named Target Field? While I'm not normally one to support ballparks/venues being named after a brand (Dunkin Donuts Center anyone?) I'm a big fan of Target and all it's awesomeness, so I'm kind of okay with this ballpark naming. I mean, who doesn't love Target? I guess only Target-haters. But I'm not friends with those people. You can get anything at it keeps us out of Wal-Mart, which is always a good thing. Also, the Twins have a special place in my heart because they were one of my oldest brother's favorite teams growing up. He even had one of those Twins jackets. I'm not sure why he liked them seeing as we lived in PA. Maybe he liked Kirby Puckett. I should really ask him about that. Oh hey, tangent, nice of you to drop by. What were we talking about? Oh yeah, that's!

So anywhos...Target Field (yay, Target!) has great vegetarian and gluten-free options including Veggie Dogs and Burgers, Veggie Burritos and Tacos (mmm...tacos...), Fruit Kabobs, Fruit Smoothies, Gluten-Free Nut snacks, Shrimps Skewers, and Talenti Gelato. Huh...I feel like I need to go eat at Target Field. They also apparently have something amazing called a Walk A Taco that isn't necessarily the healthiest choice, but sounds super delicious. Is it weird that I want to visit a ballpark specifically to try their food? Maybe I should become one of those food tasters, like on the Food Network or TLC or something! Yeah....I can't do that. I would be so fat. But, I'm sure, I would be completely full.

Milwaukee Brewers – Now, I didn’t find a lot of the “Healthy Options” at Miller Park, but I did find one option that I didn’t find anywhere else: the Soy Dogs. They also have Spicy Fish Tacos. Now, I haven’t eaten a lot of soy, but I can eat a fish taco any day. Just sayin.’ I just really love tacos. Period. So of course I had to highlight this option. I mean, who doesn’t love tacos? I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who doesn’t. You know what type of fish tacos are amazing? Mahi Mahi tacos. Delicious! Put a homemade salsa on that, some greens, and you’ve got yourself one healthy, delicious taco. Wait…we’re talking about ballpark foods aren’t we? Wow, I get so distracted when discussing food. Moving on!

So, these are the main teams I found with great Healthy Options. Going to a ballpark not listed above? Don’t worry. I’ve listed all 30 MLB teams below with links to their ballpark information. Now, who’s coming to a game with me??

Oakland A's Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

Houston Astros Toronto Blue Jays

Atlanta Braves Milwaukee Brewers

St. Louis Cardinals Chicago Cubs

Arizona Diamondbacks Los Angeles Dodgers

San Francisco Giants Cleveland Indians

Seattle Mariners Florida Marlins

New York Mets Washington Nationals

Baltimore Orioles San Diego Padres

Philadelphia Phillies Pittsburgh Pirates

Texas Rangers Tampa Bay Rays

Boston Red Sox Cincinnati Reds

Colorado Rockies Kansas City Royals

Detroit Tigers Minnesota Twins

Chicago White Sox New York Yankees

I <3 Baseball.


Labor Day Weekend 7 Mile Island Run & 5K!!

Hola Healthy Chasers!

So this idea has been thrown around especially since so many will be in a certain area during Labor Day Weekend, so I wanted to give you all the full update! *Special shout out to Denise & Mary for finding the correct link!*

The Tim Kerr 7 Mile Island Run & 5K will be taking place Sunday, September 4th in Avalon, NJ (approximately 40 min south of Atlantic City)! Now, I know that Denise & Mary are already signed up for the 5K, and I plan on doing either that or the 7 mile run, so if you were interested in joining us, check out the link above for all of the information!

Proceeds from this run go to Tim Kerr Charities, and we've linked to their official site so you can read up on who they raise money for and other great events they have throughout the year!

I'm sure there will be plenty of us there running in this race, so don't hesitate to join us!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

That's what friends are for...

Hello Healthy Chasers!!

To kind of piggy-back on Elizabeth's recent blog post, I wanted to share my own personal experiences recently. I think it's good to share all of these things with each other because we are all doing this TOGETHER. I was recently reminded of this fact when I noticed the support being thrown around in the community (mainly via Twitter/Facebook) to help keep each other motivated. Even though I will be the first to admit that I don't like asking for help, it's great knowing that we have such a strong community that will be there to help no matter what.

As a known chocoholic, I have been prone to serious stress-eating that revolves mainly around, you guessed it, chocolate. We all have our stresses and issues that we go through on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, and for me, the last two weeks were no different. With lots going on at work and such, the last two weeks saw me not exercising as regularly and indulging in more than my occasional piece of chocolate (a whole bag of peanut butter cups, to be in one sitting...but even over the course of several days, that's SO many calories). So, I've been down on myself for basically falling off the wagon and cheating on my diet (and also feeling like I'm cheating on my gym). But I became inspired last night when I noticed a whole bunch of support being thrown around helping another Chaser stay motivated.

Knowing that we have that support, not only from this community, but from our other friends and family members, is such a great feeling. We have to constantly remind ourselves that we're not doing this alone. We have so many great people around us to support us. And another good thing to remind ourselves us is to ask questions. Sometimes I need to clarify with Elizabeth (or Google) what may or may not be healthy or a good choice. Constantly asking questions or even giving suggestions is what this Challenge is all about. Having a healthy lifestyle is something I've been trying to pursue for the past year or so, and I've slowly gotten better. I've been able to cut out things that I used to eat constantly and incorporate different routines on a daily basis so I know that I stay on the right path.

Basically, what I wanted to say is that I love knowing that if I (or any of us) fall off the Healthy Chaser Challenge, there are so many of us to help pick us up and set us back on that wagon. I love all of you and wanted to personally thank Elizabeth for coming up with this idea and allowing me to help and add my two-cents (as quirky and random as they are). As Seggie has mentioned on numerous occasions, summer is just a few months away, and I know that together, we can all continue on to our goals and be summer-ready in no time! :)

Love you all!!


A special message from Elizabeth

Hi Healthy Chasers,

Thanks for your patience as we've been MIA in the blogosphere as of late. I have to admit, I fell off the Healthy Chaser horse last week. The good news is that I've managed to find my way back up with support from my fellow Healthy Chasers, my friends, and my CrossFit community.

Last weekend, I received the heart-wrenching, but inevitable news that my friend's dad's body was found in the Japanese earthquake and tsunami wreckage. He had been missing since March 11, but we had not given up hope despite being conscious that with each passing day, our worst fears might soon become our reality. My friend's dad had been working at Sendai airport recently (as part of his position as an aviation engineer), although when I initially heard from her, I completely misunderstood when she told me that he was supposed to be at the airport. I assumed he was at Tokyo/Narita airport returning from a business trip or from visiting her, her two adorable little girls, and her husband, (who live just outside of Tokyo) before heading to his U.S. home in Seattle. My own dad, shocked, saddened, and feeling helpless upon hearing this news had the fleeting idea that he should go to Japan to help look for Keiko's father.

So my sadness at this news, coupled with a long and stressful work week, some relationship ups and downs, and some hormonal fluctuations (TMI, perhaps?), put me at risk for munching last weekend (Thank goodness, the UConn Men won...oops, not winning any friends in the mid-west, with that comment). Fortunately, my house is junk-food free (for the most part), so I indulged in some Edy's Slow Churned French Silk ice cream, more than my normal serving size of almonds, squares of Dove dark chocolate, and sugary fruits like bananas and pineapple...Oh and some Girl Scout Cookies, because someone had brought them into work. :) It might not sound like total "off-diet" eating but since I've been following the meal plan since the summer and in recent weeks greatly reduced my carb and dairy intake to follow a close approximation of the paleo diet suggested by CrossFit exercise, it was plenty indulgent for me and made me feel worse, instead of better. I even contemplated baking some chocolate chip cookies or one of my favorite raspberry/almond coffee cakes to perk my spirits but thankfully, I was too emotionally exhausted to take out the mixer. :(

Monday came; I packed my workout clothes, checked the CrossFit "Workout of the Day", and didn't even make it to the gym. On Tuesday, I contemplated driving past the gym exit and tried to convince myself that I'd go to "the next class" an hour later and I'd just run into Target and Border's to do some errands first, but I knew that I wasn't kidding anyone, including myself. It wasn't the greatest workout, and I didn't necessarily leave the gym feeling much better than when I arrived, but I was proud of myself for going, for making the effort, and for doing something that would benefit my emotional and physical self. As I was stretching at the end of my workout, the woman next to me sighed and told me that she didn't want to come to the gym today, but she didn't go yesterday (Monday) and she was getting married a week from Saturday and she had to get her workouts this week. We laughed at my similar situation and attitude (except fyi: I'm not getting married next Saturday) and went our separate ways.

As I was leaving the gym, there was a message from a friend and coworker asking if she would see me at the next hour's class and although it would have been great to workout with her, I was ecstatic that my workout was done...until the next day.

I guess the message I’m trying to get at with this post is that everyone has triggers that cause them to fall off course now and then. There are stresses and strains from everyday life that sometimes feel too much and we look for a means of comfort...many times that comfort is food; but food is not the answer. Sometimes, you might not know what the answer is, but what you do know is that you have friends, family, loved ones, and your fellow Chasers to get you through the rough patches, to help pull you up, to get back on the healthy meal plan, to get back in the get you HEALTHY.

Special thanks this week to my co-blogger and friend, Jillian Ashton, and life-long friends Natanya Marracino, Jocelyn Mercado, Chelsea Foxwell, and Keiko Nakano. Also, thank you to Shaina for making my variation of the Japanese flag in honor and remembrance of all those who have been affected by the earthquake and tsunami.

Please continue to keep my friend Keiko and her family, especially her mom and sixteen year old sister, in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to mourn the loss of their husband and father.  JAPAN <3

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

World-Class Fitness in 100 Words:
■ Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds,
some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep
intake to levels that will support exercise but
not body fat.
■ Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean,
squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly,
master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups,
dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to
handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds.
Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.
■ Five or six days per week mix these elements
in as many combinations and patterns
as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy.
Keep workouts short and intense.
■ Regularly learn and play new sports.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I. Love. Fruits!!!

Hey All! Jillian here!

So, this may be a bit random (and for those who know me well, know that random is how I roll), but I thought I would take a personal blog here to talk about what I've been doing exercise-wise and also some of my FAVORITE foods to be eating recently.


Too much enthusiasm? My apologies...I've been eating a LOT of fruits and veggies lately and have added daily vitamins, which have definitely changed my attitude and given me LOTS of energy! <3

So I guess I'll start with my new love of fruits and veggies. I just have to tell you all about my awesome lunch/snacks that I packed for myself today. Can I tell you how it's such a habit now to throw in 2 fruits for snacks when packing my lunch now that we've been on this diet for a few weeks? There's something so comforting knowing that I have that apple or plum or banana or whatever I decide that morning in my bag for that sweet snack. You know me...I have a sweet tooth, so fruits are great for me. A guilty pleasure for me? Either for breakfast or lunch, cutting up fresh strawberries and adding it to Dannon's Light & Fit Nonfat Vanilla Yogurt. Delish!!! I'm also big on eating carrots. I love em. Carrot chips are so fun for some reason. I think it's the cut...reminds me of potato chips. Trust me, I love potato chips as much as the next person (mmm...Doritos...) but making that substitution is actually really filling! Plus I don't feel like a giant blob of grease after eating a whole bag of Herr's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips if I substitute them for carrots. Sorry...was the grease blob too much of a visual? I will move on.
I'm going to talk a bit about my exercising habits.

So last November, I decided that my lazy self needed to join a gym, so I signed up for my local Bally's and what do ya know? They had a discount for first time members on trainers! I couldn't pass up on this deal, so I was fortunate enough to have 12 sessions with Greg. Greg was awesome. I miss Greg. *sniff* I'm okay... Now, I understand that not all of us are able to afford a trainer, and let me tell you, if I hadn't gotten that deal, I never would have been able to either! But the main benefit that I got out of it was learning the different workouts that I normally wouldn't have learned on my own. Definitely changed how I work out and I am so grateful!

Now, my workout mainly consists of doing a minimum 3 cardio workouts a week along with a minimum 2 hours worth of Core/Muscle Training. For my own personal cardio workouts, I do 30 minutes minimum on the treadmill going at a constant speed. I've heard from friends and other workout plans that it can be extremely beneficial to vary your speed, but I like going that constant speed. This helps my endurance and after a few weeks, I was able to increase the speed bit by bit, so I'm now running much faster than I was back in November. This also helps me because sometimes my "Sunday Treat" is to go for a full hour on the treadmill and having that endurance of going at a constant speed helps me continue on that full hour. I love it. But I may be a bit of a freak...not everyone likes running. In fact...most people absolutely hate it. As Elizabeth commented (and I agree with), if you are just now beginning to exercise, start out by doing 30 minutes 3 times a week, but start at a walk. You can always build up to a run.

Now, I also do Core/Muscle Training which can get very specific and detailed, and I won't bore you all with. Basically, this training helps tone muscles and give you the shape you want. It's a lot of ab workouts, arm workouts (including backs and shoulders) and leg workouts. If anyone was interested in specific techniques, let me know and I can definitely post something weekly or even daily!

Wow...I'm a blabber. I'm so sorry. This is a horrible habit of mine. I'm trying to stop. But as you can see, it's tough! I mean, you can go on and on and on and just have so much to say that before you know it, you have all of these paragraphs and the longest blog ever. Wow...see!!! It happens!!!

I hope you all are having a great start to Week 3!! If anyone wants specific tips/suggestions, feel free to ask either Elizabeth or myself!!


Monday, March 28, 2011

What is it that we do?

What is it that we do?
We workout in a box with open space because we move fast, we move hard, and anything that is unnecessary is left outside the box.
We workout in a box with no air conditioning, with garage doors, with the heat down low. 
Our box may seem uncomfortable to others, but to us it is home and to us, this is where we are re-built.

We leave our baggage at the door. 
When we walk through the doors of our box all the negativity is left behind. 
All our problems are left outside, and if we carry these into our walls we will be approached by someone to change it or leave. 
We don't bring down others, we lean on each other and understand that team work will lead us to achievement.

We leave our phones, our emails, our text messages outside. 
These are not allowed inside, because what we do here is train. 

We get exposed and we appreciate this. 
Not everyone can deal with the fact that they are not good at something, let alone attack it each day. 
We look forward to these situations and understand that until we address our weaknesses we will never truly be as strong as we can be.

We pick things up and we put things down. 
We often do this fast, in high volume with loud ass music and half naked (optional).
We yell, scream, bleed, tape, chalk, moan, sigh, laugh, cry, high five, congratulate and inspire… and we do this everyday with the fire burning inside our bellies.

We talk to the person next to us and cheer on the person across the room from us.
We know that if we slack, if our form is off or if we are half assing it, then we WILL be called out.
We understand about our bodies, we understand the importance of sleep, that we need intensity, we need strength days, we need aerobic sessions. 
We understand that there is no easy road to success and we are willing to hike this path with our buddies on our backs if necessary.

We train where there are no mirrors, there are no TVs, there are no distractions that can cause us to be less of an athlete.
We workout because we are the exception.  Our kids are the exception, and they will follow in our steps.
We workout because we were always told we couldn't.
We do things that we never could. 
We understand that our limitations are only thoughts and we don't have these thoughts.

We workout and say why not… you workout and say why?
We workout with professional athletes, grandparents, special forces, kids, adults, friends, family, and fighters
We workout because we are all equal and the only thing that separates people is their belief in themselves.  We all believe in ourselves.
We believe in each other.

We workout because there are no excuses, there are only opportunities to become better than yesterday.
We workout because we are not going to end up in a home; we will be 100 years old and still enjoying iife.
We workout because we love to and if we don't show up then we will be asked why?
We workout where we are judged.  We are evaluated and we are held to the highest of standards. 
Where we workout, if this isn't happening then we will have coaches helping to get us to this point. 

We understand that mediocrity is for those who are not willing to take the next step, and we are all taking leaps and bounds.

We are Healthy Chaserswho are you?
(inspired by practice crossfit and CrossFit Milford, Connecticut)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Well I'm eating out tonight...there goes my diet! Or, does it...

So, if you're like me, when it comes to eating out, my healthy diet tends to go right out the window. But you know what? It really doesn't have to! Elizabeth has been kind enough to pass along some amazing tips from the Mayo Clinic to help us feel as if we are not cheating on our diet! Yay! Here are some of those great tips with, of course, some added comments/commentary from yours truly. Enjoy.

Avoid oversized servings

You don’t have to eat EVERYTHING on your plate...wait...I don't? Oh yeah! They have take home containers! A good tip: put half of your meal in a take home container before you start eating (I'm definitely going to try this!)

Ask for the lunch size even at dinner. You know...I've never tried to ask about this, because a lot of the times, their lunch and dinner menus are the same. My own personal suggestion: If they have the half sandwich, half salad option that would normally be served at lunch, choose that option. I mean, sometimes those sandwiches are too darn big anyway! Dear Restaurants: I don't need a chicken sandwich that is as big as my head. Love, Everyone.

Substitute an appetizer for an entree. Yeah...I love doing this option. However, sometimes I tend to go for that greasy appetizers (helllloooooo buffalo wings!). If I go down that route, I try to go for a less greasy/fried option.

Split a meal with a companion. I'll give you a scenario that I just witnessed with two of my friends. Both were craving the pasta with chicken at the restaurant we were dining at and each ordered their own bowl. What happened? Both ended up with take home containers. Pasta specifically is a great thing to split because you'll both still be getting the protein from the chicken and will still fill up from the pasta!

Decisions, Decisions...

Here's some suggestions when trying to choose the best option:

DRINKS: It's good to order any of the following: Water, Club Soda, Diet Soda, Tea, and Coffee. Dinner with the girls? Or guys, if there are any dudes reading this...or if you're going out on a date...or maybe if you had a long day at work...well...whatever your reason, if you want to indulge in that alcoholic beverage, limit yourself to just one. Yes...even those calories in those Bud Light Limes you love so much add up. Or if you're like me...Margaritas...or Sangrias...mmm...Sangria...

APPETIZERS: Try the tossed green salad – skip creamy dressings altogether and ask for an olive oil based dressing ON THE SIDE – avoid cheese, eggs, or meat as salad toppings UNLESS you are having a salad for your main course in which should add a low-fat, grilled or similarly prepared protein. Avoid bacon bits and prepared salads with mayo like potato salad.
Other great appetizer choices are shrimp/seafood cocktails but skip the cocktail sauce and use fresh-squeezed lemon for added flavor instead. Huh...thinking about shrimp and seafood now makes me want to go to a sushi bar...this is getting me way off focus...coming back now...alright I'm good. (….sushi....)

SOUPS: If you want to go the soup option (maybe if you're going for the Soup & Salad combo) chowders, creamed, and pureed soups are the ones you want to avoid. All soups are actually extremely high in salt, so it's usually best to avoid them altogether. But, choose the broth or tomato based soups for the healthier options.

BREAD: Possibly the hardest thing I ever do (especially if there is a large breadbasket...I'm looking at you, Olive Garden), but only take ONE piece of bread. And make sure it's whole grain. Or just don't go to Olive Garden...I swear, there's something in those breadsticks.

ENTREES: Choose a baked, broiled, grilled, poached, roasted or steamed entree. Ask that dishes be prepared without extra salt, butter or oil. Meats and vegetables sauteed or stir-fried in a small amount of oil, broth or water are usually lower in fat. Trim any visible fat off meat and poultry – and eat only a portion that’s the size of a deck of cards.
Avoid entrees that are fried, fricasseed or creamed, and those sauteed or stir-fried in heavy oil. Steer clear of broasted, stuffed, buttered, breaded or basted entrees, as well as gravies. If the name of an entree contains the term "au gratin," "a la king," "Alfredo" or "parmigiana," choose something else. Always ask for sauce to be served on the side.

SIDE DISHES: Choose vegetables and fruit. Baked potatoes, boiled new potatoes and rice also may be good options. Skip the french fries, potato chips and onion rings, as well as vegetables slathered in cheese or cream sauces. Top your potatoes with salsa (mmm...salsa...) instead of butter or sour cream. Most restaurants will substitute a healthier side dish if you ask.

CONDIMENTS: Choose fresh tomato, cucumber and lettuce for sandwiches. Avoid olives, pickles and sauerkraut because of their high salt content. Use ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise sparingly, and use pepper or lemon juice in place of salt.

DESSERTS: Wait before ordering dessert to let the main course settle. It takes a while for a feeling of fullness to register in your brain (take it from experience). If you can't resist dessert, though, choose fresh fruit, gelatin, sorbet, sherbet, fruit ice, meringues or plain cake with fruit puree – and always ask for two (or three) spoons! Wait...what??? No CHOCOLATE??!! As much as it pains me to agree with this, it's rare that any restaurant will have a dark chocolate option. And if they do, it's never in a healthy portion. So yes, when out, and getting your (gulp) chocolate-less dessert, go for these options.

Okay, so we've tried to give as many suggestions/options as possible, so hopefully on your next dining out experience, you can take a few of these tips with you! Questions, suggestions, comments, etc? Let us (and everyone else) know in the comments field!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and looking forward to next week when we start...wait for it...EXERCISING!!! Yaaaaaaay!!!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's Not About the Calories....

Hi Healthy Chasers,

We're going to take a break from the traditional blog post to ask you to share some of the things you have liked or disliked about the challenge so far. We will be adding in the component of exercise starting this coming Monday since you have all had a chance to focus on just the Meal Plan for the first two weeks.

Are you bored with your food choices already? What have you done to keep things interesting food-wise? Have there been temptations along the way? Is there someway you prepare either mentally or physically when you have these temptations or food challenges? Does anyone feel like they are getting more used to eating this way? Have you started to notice that your body does not crave the sugar/salt/starch? Are you feeling more energetic? Sleeping better? Change in mood? Post thoughts and observations to comments.

I started this "meal plan" last June just at the beginning of the season of graduation parties, weddings, cookouts, etc. so planning my meals around all of these festivities was quite a challenge. Thankfully, I was able to plan my strategies and make choices that helped me stick to the meal guide for the most part.

Also, to go along with the article Jillian posted in her Twinkie Tweet this AM, here is something else you might find interesting: It's Not about the Calories. 

 Yours in good health,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

World Water Day: 3.22.2011...a day late!

Sorry for the delay in getting this blog post to you, but since water is such an important part of being a healthy human, I still wanted share this info. 

Yesterday was World Water Day, an initiative set up by the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro.Currently, we are in the second decade of World Water Day and in the middle of the UN International Decade for Action Water for Life 2005–2015 and the primary goal of this decade is to increase access to water and sanitation to fight disease and imrprove the health and well-being of the world population.
Check out the Water for Life booklet and in the meantime here are some interesting and distressing facts:
  • Lack of safe water and adequate sanitation is the world’s single largest cause of illness. 
  • Over half of the hospital beds in the developing world are occupied by people suffering from preventable diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation
  •  Unsafe water and lack of sanitation are major factors underlying many of the 10 million child deaths every year.
  • Increased urbanization is placing an enormous strain on existing water and sanitation infrastructure.
We all know that water is essential for life. All organisms rely on water for survival and sustainability. The human body is composed of 70% water by mass and water plays an essential role in the growth and maintenance of our bodies and in many metabolic processes. It is no surprise to learn that water is important for health but what is so important about drinking water and losing weight? 

In the absence or reduction of adequate water intake, the kidneys are no longer able to function properly, and therefore the liver has to step might think that your organs have a nice little buddy-system going on with that, but in fact, the liver's own activity is compromised during periods of dehydration and the liver is responsible for converting fat into energy. Not drinking enough water not only stresses your kidneys and your liver, but it also sets your body up for storing fat. 

As we continue to get healthy, increase our water intakes, and prepare to add an exercise component to the challenge next week think about the nearly 1 billion people around the world who do not have access to clean drinking water. 

If you'd like to do something to help, check out, a nonprofit organization co-founded by Matt Damon and Gary White which has transformed hundreds of communities in Africa, South Asia, and Central America by providing access to safe water and sanitation. 

They are currently offering a limited edition design, environmentally friendly Camelback water bottle where 100% of the profits go directly to support people in the world who lack clean water. It's a perfect way to make sure that you have water to drink throughout your work day or your workout while also giving someone you don't know the gift of hope for a healthy life.

Yours in good health, 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Hola Chasers!

So, to start off this week, I thought it would be fun to talk about something a bit different: Healthy Snacks for kids!

I know that we have several moms in on the Challenge, and we've had inquiries on how to possibly incorporate their diet with their kids, so I've looked up several healthy (and extremely yummy) snack choices.

Now, I know that there are those (like myself) who have not yet had the privilege of taking on the title of "Mom" but I know that being an aunt myself, these tips can really come in handy!

For some of these, I have personally grown up eating these, where some, I thought they were extremely creative and sounded delicious! don't have to be a kid to eat these, right? I'll just use the "I'm a kid at heart" excuse. Huh, I tend to use that one a lot...don't judge me.

Alright, so enough chatter from's the list!

1. Cut up celery sticks with peanut butter or low-fat cream cheese. Add raisins. (some call these "Ants on a Log." I call them delicious.)

2. Apple slices dipped in peanut butter.

3. Mini Pizza: A Toasted English Muffin with pizza sauce and low-fat mozzarella cheese.

4. Popcorn sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese (this can be especially tasty if you're having a "movie night" with the kids!)

5. Sandwich Cut-Outs: Make your kid's favorite sandwiches on whole grain bread, then cut out your (or their) favorite shapes with cookie cutters! (this can be especially fun for the kids to help with, especially if they're younger!)

6. Dip a peeled banana in yogurt, roll it in crushed cereal and freeze. (I've never personally done this, but I will...that sounds incredible)

7. A Microwaved small baked potato sprinkled with reduced-fat cheddar cheese and salsa.

8. Snack Kabobs! Put cubes of low-fat cheese and grapes on pretzel sticks! (Another fun idea, to let the kids build these themselves! And they can eat the sticks! Bonus!)

9. Blend low-fat milk, frozen strawberries (or fresh!) and a banana for 30 seconds to make a delicious (and healthy!) smoothie!

10. Sprinkle low-fat cheese onto a corn tortilla, fold in half, microwave for 20 seconds, top with salsa, and "presto!" Quesadilla!

These are just 10 that I found particularly interesting. If you wanted to look up more healthy choices, check out and look up their "Eat Right Nutrition Tips!"

And hey, for all of you moms out there, if you have any other suggestions/comments, please share! The more that we can share from our own experiences, the more fun this can be!

Hope you all have a great Week 2!
